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Obituary for Elliott Robley

Huntingdon Daily News, Page 6, July 11, 1938


E. Cloyd Robley Dies in Hospital
Huntingdon Business Man Passes Away Sunday Afternoon

E. Cloyd Robley, of 722 Mifflin Street, one of Huntingdon's best known citizens, passed away at the J.C. Blair Memorial hospital on Sunday afternoon, July 10 at 1:45 o'clock.  Death was due to a complication of diseases.  He had been ailing since March 10, but had only been confined to his bed for one week prior to this death.
He was a son of Henry and Mary Robley, both deceased and was born in the brick house at 813 Mifflin Street, which was formerly the office and residence of Dr. J. M. Johnston.  All of his life was spent in Huntingdon with the exception of about two years, in childhood, which were spent in Tyrone.  He was born Jan. 15, 1876, hence at the time of death was aged 62 years, 5 months and 25 days.
He was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Jolliffe, of Uniontown, Pa on Nov. 17, 1904 and after their marriage they took up housekeeping immediately in Huntingdon.  His wife, four nieces and six nephews survive.  He was the last survivor of the citizens who were born and continued their residence in the vicinity of Eighth and Mifflin Streets.
At the age of 21, Mr. Robley entered the laundry business and he continued in that business until his laundry was destroyed by fire in 1918.  He then erected a dry cleaning plant in the rear of his property at 722 Mifflin street and was actively engaged in that business at the time of his death.
He was affiliated with the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Huntingdon, and with No. 2 fire company, being a charter member of the latter organization.  He was a kind husband, a good neighbor and one who will be greatly missed in the community.
Funeral services will be held at Brown's funeral home on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. W. Fields of the First M.E. Church.  Interment will be made in Riverview Cemetery.  The body may be viewed at Brown's this evening and at any time until the funeral hour.

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